Leo Radzihovsky
Department of Physics
University of Colorado at Boulder
Boulder, CO 80309-0390
Phone: (303) 492-5436
Fax: (303) 492-2998
Email: radzihov@colorado.edu
Curriculum Vitae
E-print arXiv
APS journals
Song by Jonathan Mann, based on my paper
with Dan Sheehy, titled
"Quantum Decoupling Transition in a One-Dimensional Feshbach-Resonant Superfluid",
PRL, 2005
School in Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
My theoretical research interests span a broad spectrum of classical and quantum condensed matter. These range from entropy-dominated liquid crystals, colloids, membranes, rubber and other "soft" matter to quantum matter, such as superconductors, magnets, degenerate atomic gases, quantum Hall and other topological states of matter. I aim to understand the nature of phases and phase transitions exhibited by these systems, with the unifying theme of collective universal behavior that emerges at long scales and low energies, driven by a combination of strong interactions, fluctuations, and/or local heterogeneity.
Degenerate Atomic Gases
Liquid Crystals and Other 'Soft' Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems
Nonequilibrium Phenomena
Quantum Hall Effect
Recent Talks
"Laudatio for Matthew Fisher",
123rd StatMech Conference at Rutgers, 18-20 December, 2022
"Smectic Vortex Glass",
Condensed Matter Seminar, Caltech, 3 June 2021
"Fractonicity from Elasticity",
Harvard Physics Colloquium, 1 February, 2021
"Fracton-Elasticity Duality",
Aspen Winter Conference "Field Theory Dualities and Strongly Correlated Matter", March 18-24, 2018
"Critical Soft Matter",
Soft Matter In-and-Out of Equilibrium,
Boulder Summer School 2015, July.
"Disorder-driven quantum phase transition in semiconductors and Dirac semimetals"
University of Utah, 7 May, 2015.
"BCS-BEC crossover and superfluid transition in optical lattices"
NewSpin3 Conference, Mainz, Germany, 2-5 April, 2013.
"Statistical mechanics of elastic sheets"
Modern Perspectives on Thin Sheets: Geometry, Elasticity, and
Statistical Physics, Sept 3-7, 2012.
"Liquid crystal cells with a "dirty" substrate"
12 January, 2012
"Lecture 1: overview"
"Lecture 2: Feshbach resonant scattering"
"Lecture 3: Feshbach-resonant s-wave superfluidity"
"Lecture 4: Feshbach-resonant imbalanced superfluidity"
"Lecture 5: Feshbach-resonant p-wave superfluidity"
lectures at Mysore, India, December 2010
"Superfluidity, supersolidity and phase transitions in p-wave resonant Bose gas"
ICTP, Triest, July 2011
"Fluctuations and Stability of Larkin-Ovchinnikov States: Quantum Liquid
talk at NORDITA workshop "Supersolids
Liquids and Gases", August, 2010, Stockholm, Sweden
"Strange Elasticity of Liquid Crystal Rubber: Critical Phase"