Xiaodong Liu
Professor of Economics University of Colorado Boulder Email: xiaodong.liu [at] colorado.edu [CV]
Research Interests
Econometrics, Applied Microeconomics
Publications [Google Scholar]
[28] Xiaodong Liu and Ingmar R. Prucha (2025) “On Testing for Spatial or Social Network Dependence in Panel Data Allowing for Network Variability”, Journal of Econometrics 247, 105925. (working paper version)
[27] Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Michael Kӧnig and Xiaodong Liu (2024) “Endogenous Technology Spillovers in R&D Collaboration Networks”, accepted, The RAND Journal of Economics. (working paper version)
[26] Chih-Sheng Hsieh, Michael Kӧnig and Xiaodong Liu (2022) “A Structural Model for the Coevolution of Networks and Behavior”, The Review of Economics and Statistics 104, 355-367. (working paper version)
[25] Denghui Chen, Hua Kiefer and Xiaodong Liu (2022) “Estimation of Discrete Choice Network Models with Missing Outcome Data”, Regional Science and Urban Economics 97, 103835 (paper and code)
[24] Lung-Fei Lee, Xiaodong Liu, Eleonora Patacchini and Yves Zenou (2021) “Who is the Key Player? A Network Analysis of Juvenile Delinquency”, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 39, 849-857. (working paper version)
[23] Xiaodong Liu (2020) “GMM Identification and Estimation of Peer Effects in a System of Simultaneous Equations”, Journal of Spatial Econometrics 1, Article 1. (working paper version)
[22] Michael Kӧnig, Xiaodong Liu and Yves Zenou (2019) “R&D Networks: Theory, Empirics and Policy Implications”, The Review of Economics and Statistics 101, 476-491. (paper and appendix)
[21] Xiaodong Liu (2019) “Simultaneous Equations with Binary Outcomes and Social Interactions”, Econometric Reviews 38, 921-937. (working paper version)
[20] Xiaodong Liu and Paulo Saraiva (2019) “GMM Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models in a System of Simultaneous Equations with Heteroskedasticity”, Econometric Reviews 38, 359-385. (working paper version)
[19] Xiaodong Liu and Ingmar R. Prucha (2018) “A Robust Test for Network Generated Dependence”, Journal of Econometrics 207, 92-113. (paper and appendix)
[18] Ethan Cohen-Cole, Xiaodong Liu and Yves Zenou (2018) “Multivariate Choices and Identification of Social Interactions”, Journal of Applied Econometrics 33, 165-178. (paper and appendix)
[17] Souphala Chomsisengphet, Hua Kiefer and Xiaodong Liu (2018) “Spillover Effects in Home Mortgage Defaults: Identifying the Power Neighbor”, Regional Science and Urban Economics 73, 68-82.
[16] Xiaodong Liu, Eleonora Patacchini and Edoardo Rainone (2017) “Peer Effects in Bed Time Decisions among Adolescents: a Social Network Model with Sampled Data”, The Econometrics Journal 20, S103-S125. (working paper version)
[15] Xiaodong Liu and Jiannan Zhou (2017) “A Social Interaction Model with Ordered Choices”, Economics Letters 161, 86-89. (working paper version)
[14] Xiaodong Liu (2017) “Identification of Peer Effects via a Root Estimator”, Economics Letters 156, 168-171. (paper and appendix)
[13] Xiaodong Liu (2016) “Nonparametric Estimation of Large Auctions with Risk Averse Bidders”, Econometric Reviews 35, 98-121. (paper and appendix)
[12] William Horrace, Xiaodong Liu and Eleonora Patacchini (2016) “Endogenous Network Production Functions with Selectivity”, Journal of Econometrics 190, 222-232. (working paper version)
[11] Xiaodong Liu and Paulo Saraiva (2015) “GMM Estimation of SAR Models with Endogenous Regressors”, Regional Science and Urban Economics 55, 68-79. (working paper version)
[10] Xiaodong Liu (2014) “Identification and Efficient Estimation of Simultaneous Equations Network Models”, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 32, 516-536. (working paper version)
[9] Xiaodong Liu, Eleonora Patacchini and Yves Zenou (2014) “Endogenous Peer Effects: Local Aggregate or Local Average?”, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 103, 39-59. (working paper version)
[8] Xiaodong Liu (2013) “Estimation of a Local-Aggregate Network Model with Sampled Networks”, Economics Letters 118, 243-246. (working paper version)
[7] Xiaodong Liu and Lung-Fei Lee (2013) “Two Stage Least Squares Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models with Endogenous Regressors and Many Instruments”, Econometric Reviews 32, 734-753. (paper and appendix)
[6] Xiaodong Liu, John H. Kagel and Lung-Fei Lee (2012) “Learning from Peers in Signaling Game Experiments”, Journal of Applied Econometrics 27, 1037-1058. (paper and appendix)
[5] Xiaodong Liu (2012) “On the Consistency of the LIML Estimator of a Spatial Autoregressive Model with Many Instruments”, Economics Letters 116, 472-475. (working paper version)
[4] Lung-Fei Lee, Xiaodong Liu and Xu Lin (2010) “Specification and Estimation of Social Interaction Models with Network Structures”, The Econometrics Journal 13, 145-176. (working paper version)
[3] Lung-Fei Lee and Xiaodong Liu (2010) “Efficient GMM Estimation of High Order Spatial Autoregressive Models with Autoregressive Disturbances”, Econometric Theory 26, 187-230. (working paper version)
[2] Xiaodong Liu, Lung-Fei Lee and Christopher R. Bollinger (2010) “An Efficient GMM Estimator of Spatial Autoregressive Models”, Journal of Econometrics 159, 303-319. (working paper version)
[1] Xiaodong Liu and Lung-Fei Lee (2010) “GMM Estimation of Social Interaction Models with Centrality”, Journal of Econometrics 159, 99-115. (working paper version) |